This time it is U.S. Representative Sue Myrick.
Myrick, a former mayor of Charlotte, wrote a letter to NC Governor Mike Easley and the NC Department of Transportation voicing her displeasure with the additional delays in completing Interstate 485.
"Last I looked, Charlotte was the largest city in the state. There seems to be no recognition of that fact in Raleigh, no recognition that we are at a standstill with traffic.ā
She pointed to how Raleigh already has one loop built (The Raleigh Beltline) and is now constructing a second loop (Interstate/NC 540) while Charlotte does not have one.
Note to Myrick: What is I-277 then? It's a loop albeit around Uptown but serves a similar purpose to the Raleigh Beltline.
The DOT counters Myrick and points out how Charlotte has received nearly $1 billion to build I-485 more than any other urban loop within the state.
With NCDOT holding public hearings on the 2009-2015 STIP this winter expect more statements like Rep. Myrick from political leaders and other influential groups throughout the state.
Story: Myrick demands more money for roads ---News 14 Carolina (Charlotte)
Myrick, a former mayor of Charlotte, wrote a letter to NC Governor Mike Easley and the NC Department of Transportation voicing her displeasure with the additional delays in completing Interstate 485.
"Why didn't these same rising costs delay the loops in Fayetteville and Wilmington? Why are we building loops in Fayetteville and Wilmington before we complete the one in Charlotte?"
Myrick also commented on what she perceives as Charlotte's needs being ignored by legislators in Raleigh."Last I looked, Charlotte was the largest city in the state. There seems to be no recognition of that fact in Raleigh, no recognition that we are at a standstill with traffic.ā
She pointed to how Raleigh already has one loop built (The Raleigh Beltline) and is now constructing a second loop (Interstate/NC 540) while Charlotte does not have one.
Note to Myrick: What is I-277 then? It's a loop albeit around Uptown but serves a similar purpose to the Raleigh Beltline.
The DOT counters Myrick and points out how Charlotte has received nearly $1 billion to build I-485 more than any other urban loop within the state.
With NCDOT holding public hearings on the 2009-2015 STIP this winter expect more statements like Rep. Myrick from political leaders and other influential groups throughout the state.
Story: Myrick demands more money for roads ---News 14 Carolina (Charlotte)